
Jesus – Calm Please

Energetically I come to you as Jesus.  I have a lesson I want to share.  It’s about being in the moment.  When you are rushing what are you thinking about?  You’re thinking… I got to get this, I got to do that, and you are in a tizzy.  Tizzy brains are detrimental to your evolution.  Because what happens in that moment takes you away from knowing who you are.  You are just like a buzzing bee, can’t hold still.  (Bees are meant to buzz.)  But the point I am trying to make is that you lose sight of everything, you go off the tracks.  Say you were doing one task at a time; how joyful could it be!  Your mind is engaged, and you are completing an item.  But on the other hand, when you are buzzing your mind is not there.  Your mind is onto the next thing and the next thing.  You missed out on the joy of your current task.  That opportunity is gone, and you can’t replace it.  The approach to take in life is to slow down.  Don’t be in a frenzy.  One thing at a time.  The other stuff will come later.  Complete your one task with your whole heart and mind.  Only then do you say, what is next.  When you have a task, just focus on that task.  We wish for you to calm yourselves.  We wish for you to just chill.  All will be done in the exact timing that is desired. 

Time is a funny thing.  We can bend time.  You will find spaces to get the work done.  So, let your worried mind rest.  The franticness that people display can cause more franticness.  In today’s world you will never get everything done.  Don’t try.  There will always be more to read, more to listen to, and to enjoy then there is time for you.  We will put in front of you the things that are of importance.  Not everything needs to be completed.  Time will bend for an important project, but for the frivolous pursuits, some are wasted time.  Time spent on unhappiness, disregard.  Time spent on being down, we want less of.  So in your pursuit of completing everything, we will help when we feel it appropriate, and we will help when you want to achieve. We will help lessen the burdens.  We will take away time for sorrow and replace it with time for joy.  For 2022 spend your time on only the pursuits that fulfill you.  You must let go of the things that bog you down.  Hand them off, hire them out, delegate, and be happy.  Find ways to reduce your busyness, so you may be intentional about your time. 

What is the main goal I have to accomplish?  Every morning, what is your main goal?  Only work towards that and everything else will fall into place.  Your priorities will be aligned, and the outcome will be rewarded.  By the end of the year you have accomplished your goal.  Time was not spent wallowing, and was instead useful.  For the moments when you need to express sorrow you may do so.  But at the twinge of a good feeling, follow it.  Many feel there is a certain period of time that they must wallow.  If you’re feeling better it’s OK. God is putting healing in your heart.  So be on the receiving end of loving guidance that will lead you to your goals, take you away from sorrow, and will calm your mind. 

Our greatest gift to you is that you will have experienced prioritizing your dreams.  Put front and center that which you want; your goals, your dreams, your aspirations.  By the end of the year you will be rewarded for trusting this process.  In the end there is no greater sense of accomplishment than achieving one’s dreams.  As you go about today stop the busyness. Focus on your task.  The other tasks will fall in place when it’s the right timing.  Wake up and share your dreams.  Watch how dreams grow and you will have success. 

This is Jesus and I tell you these things as I was a calm mind.  I knew how to focus a thought.  When you need to calm your mind, I would suggest stopping.  Ask yourself, why am I so busy?  What happens if this doesn’t all get done?  The answer is usually nothing will happen.  No one will starve, dishes are not going to walk away, your kids wont hate you.  You will be fine.  For the busy professional in the office I tell you this.  More productivity can occur if you just complete one task at a time.  The buzzing of ideas in your head creates less focus and actually takes you longer to complete a task.  Find a system to jot down your thoughts, record them, and do them at a later time.  The Boss can only do one thing at a time.  The Boss appreciates things being checked off the to-do list.  He doesn’t expect the whole list to be crossed off at once.  Adjust your perceptions that efficiency means exhaustion.  Just do a task, and another task, and so forth.  At the end of the day you just say, that was a good day’s work, more tomorrow.  And progress will be made every day. 

If you want to know how I got it all done it’s because I knew my number one goal, and only worked towards that.  If it wasn’t going to support my number one goal, it wasn’t for me.  I give you that challenge: What is your number one goal?  Work towards that.  If it doesn’t support that, let it go.   What you should do next is chart your time.  How much of it is spent on following other peoples lives, what are they all doing?  Focus on yourself.  The hours spent scrolling through other people’s interests does not promote your own.  2022 will be a year of distractions, so I give you this challenge to keep you focused.  When things go crazy, come back to your goal.  See yourself happy at the end of 2022 with your goal completed.  Each and every one of you can think of one thing they want to work towards.  For multiple goals prioritize them.  Do they all roll up into one goal, a harmonious existence?  Ultimately that is your desire.  But for now, you may choose your own goal, and I wish you well as you set forth and accomplish.  Your guides will take you where you need to go.  We will give you whispers.  And we look forward to your success. 

You have all my love, and I wish you a calm mind through 2022.  Good night. 

(Channeled message on January 15, 2022)

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