
Jesus – This Year’s Advice

The energy of today brings me here.  For 2022 I have things to say.  What should you focus on this year?  I will tell you.  My best advice is to listen to your heart.  Whenever there is a choice go within and trust your heart.  Your heart will lead you.  I cannot stress enough that you do not need to struggle.  You just go within… and first thought.  My heart says… and that is your answer.  The agony you will forgo is huge, don’t struggle.  I have an answer, boom, whatever your heart feels.  Now for those logical thinkers who say “Ya, but I got to be smart about this.”  What I will say to you is your heart is not going to lie.  Your heart can’t make up things.  Your brain can get in the way.  You can talk yourself out of something.  You can talk yourself out of great loves, of giant leaps, and big decisions.  I tell you this because many of you don’t understand how we communicate with you.  You’ll get tugs, you will get a flash of something.  That flash that just comes over you, where you want to do something.  Your mind will rationalize, but your heart says, I felt it.  Listen to us, we do not lead you astray.  If you get a thought that randomly pops into your head, jot it down.  Think to yourself, where did this come from?  Did they plant it, my Angels?  Or did I hear it on the radio?  Either way if something comes into your awareness that is not normally there, take it as a sign that you need to explore it.  Did it feel scary, or did it feel light?  We want you to not be scared.  If you get the thought that your dreaming, you’re not.  How could I have thought of that?  We can give you inspiration. 

So tonight, as you say your prayers, ask for guidance on 2022.  The very next thing that pops into your head is us.  The very first thought.  And then don’t talk yourself out of it.  You’ll say, “Oh so and so was mentioning that to me.”  But you won’t give credit to your own knowing.  You won’t stop and say I have the gift.  I too can communicate with my guides.  We are going to be coming to you louder and clearer in the year 2022.  We are pushing you stronger and braver than previous years.  Ask a prayer, jot down your thoughts.  Do it nightly and you will have a pattern, what is meant for you to see.  We want to get across to each of you what is the best path that lays ahead.  We do not tell you what to do, but we can give you some hints.  We can tickle your nose at a thought, and we can suggest places you haven’t thought of.  We can suggest romances, and new diets, and studies to be explored. 

My purpose right now is to get you all accustomed to following your heart.  Not being led by fear.  If you think something sounds off listen to your heart.  Don’t let a fear tactic make your decisions.  Have you heard of muscle testing?  Ask us questions then muscle test.  Your body will know the true answer.  Your body doesn’t lie.  If you know how to follow your heart the year will go easy.  Spend time studying how we communicate to you.  Learn how to become your own guide.  Learn how to know all the answers within.  What can you do to trust yourself? 

Take our challenge: For 10 days I will trust myself 100%

Whatever decision comes my way I will trust that I am being led.  I will answer with my heart, and fear not.  Half of you will do it.  The other half are too scared.  But if half do it, imagine that it is a start.  A start to humans living how they should be.  Intuitive humans connected to their spiritual awareness.  Once all humans know how to receive what they need we will have less hatred on the Earth.  Humans will follow they path that brings them joy.  Anger is diminished.  And it all starts with your intuitive abilities.  How can you study this topic and practice?  Find friends with similar interests, meditate, look online at courses you might take, and explore what is out there.  You will pick up on things you need to know.  You’ll get a tidbit here and a tad there.  We want to get all of the continents as one.  One human race loving each other.  There does not need to be separation.  If everyone can tap into their abilities racism can diminish.  What would happen if 50% of humans started this?  No more wars, peace would break out.  The other side would still have their foot in the door, but they would feel pressure from the loving minds. 

I have nothing else to say except start with yourself.  Ask a question each night, trust the answer you get and start your practice.  Get in touch with your heart and it will lead you to joy.  Joy in each heart begins to heal our planet.  For the year head is a turning point.  Decisions are made that leave people confused.  But in your personal story, you can find a way to navigate your way.  I don’t want to scare you but just make you aware that powers that be will cause confusion for the masses.  Their goal is to bring fear, but you will know better.  It will become obvious the game at play.  It will be in front of your face, and you will acknowledge what you know inside.  You deserve honesty and answers.  Speak up when you want an answer.  Ask for the explanation and know you hold the key to the response.  Every circumstance can be navigated by going back to the basics. Where is your heart leading you?  How are you receiving this news?  Where does your heart want to take you? 

Follow my simple guidance for a healthy 2022.  I am always there for you, just call my name.  It is in everlasting love that I send this message.  We are one in love, and healing, and peace for the new year.  Blessings to 2022, Jesus.

(Channeled message on January 9, 2022)

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