
The Galactic Federation of Light – Things to Improve

Look to the sky, it is us.  We come to you from high above wishing you well.  We are The Galactic Federation of Light.  Today’s message we bring to you in all honesty.  We share with you that many things that you have dreamt about will not happen.  You will not have the great devastation that you think will come.  You will not have zombies after you.  Because today is a new day, and each new day you will find the world gets better and better.  A tipping point has been reached where prophesies will play out and find you in better days.  What will happen is that we do come to assist, and we do advise you to search for us.  We will help with the evolution on your planet.  We tell you better days are ahead so that you do not live in fear.  Because when you live in fear your emotions get the best of you.  You do not function at your optimal performance.  You break down and reside in a helplessness that we do not vibrate at.  So, if you pick yourself up and say, today’s a better day, and then tomorrow’s an even better day; what will you get?  Every day getting better!  Stop, stop, stop crying out the world is going to end.  Because this creates doom and gloom.  Always thinking about doom and gloom will get you more of the same.  So, our message for today is that if you always keep looking ahead in positive ways you will get a positive outcome. 

The stress you are putting on yourself is unhealthy.  We ask that you raise your thoughts to positive, and when you have a negative thought you quickly change it.  There is a Law of the Universe that states, a thought held for 17 seconds does create a new reality.  It is our greatest wish to reach all Americans that are struggling, and all Europeans that are in hardship.  We want to reach every civilization and spread the news that positive thinking has to be the only way.  Never let yourself go down a dark hole.  Keep your head up.  Keep thinking a beautiful world awaits us. Glory to God, a beautiful world is ahead.  Your thoughts are the collective.  Move the collective out of despair and into prosperity.  If each person can do this, we will change outcomes.  Today’s message is the most important message.  Each person has to control their thoughts, and all the throughs roll up into one.  If we could get everyone on the same page, we would change the course of outcomes.  When you watch the news, what are they talking about?  Turn it off, it does not serve you.  They complain, they have hearsay. 

We implore you to get in touch with yourself.  What are your joys and seek those out.  Become a happier person.  There is always a way to find something that will uplift you.  Is it a good book?  Is it a warm bath?  Turn to spending time with positive people that will uplift.  This message has gone out many times.  It is our hope that we keep repeating this so it may soak in.  In all areas of your life choose joy and turn away from gossip, from slander, and upheaval.  The best way to move the planet forward is if each person resonates at a higher level.  Do your part to raise your frequency.  We will come to you when you are at higher levels of consciousness.  When you can rise above, we will visit. 

Our job is to watch the planet and humankind evolve.  You are all wonderful for taking part on this fine day in this reading.  Much enlightenment comes to you as you keep hearing these words.  Raise your thoughts, raise your mind, seek out enlightenment, and watch the planet evolve.  There will come a day you will look back and wonder how come you couldn’t get there sooner.  Why did it have to take so long?  Changing the minds of many takes time.  We have many people to touch.  Please be the wayshower to your friends and family.  Your positive attitude will uplift those around you.  Please have them asking you more questions, so they too can join the enlightened. 

We wish to part now with this final thought.  What are you doing today to raise your vibration?  List 5 things to yourself.  Are you going out in nature?  Are you dropping the things you dislike?  Are you picking up a new hobby?  Please list out 5 things personally that you are doing to improve yourself.  And then tomorrow do the same thing.  Improve on a daily basis to reach higher vibrations.  Can you begin to listen to new music that fills your soul?  Can you toss the old belongings that are weighing you down?  It doesn’t have to be major spiritual things.  Anything in your life that is an improvement; an improved thought, a gentler touch, anything.  Work towards a new you, one that is lighter, and heart centered.  Don’t look in the past.  Don’t worry about the present.  Don’t plan too far into the future.  Be in the here and now, enjoy the current moment.  Take your current moment and make it all it can be, and then each moment after that.  Soon you will have many moments of happiness.  String together happy moment after happy moment.  But, when life gives you lemons, try your best to make lemonade.  It’s tough, we are not saying this is easy, but please try. 

Now what are you doing in this exact moment?  Stop and analyze.  Are you getting stuff done, yes, you are enriching your brain?  Don’t forget that studying and learning are just as important as physical tasks.  And don’t compare yourself to others.  Go at your rate, what can you do to improve yourself.  Don’t worry about others.  Everybody needs to take care of themselves.  Help out where needed, but don’t plan their lives.  Let them find their own ways to enlighten themselves.  Their areas of improvement are going to be different than your areas of improvement. 

We wish you prosperity for 2022.  We will return several times for further messages.  Our goal is to help you reach new levels of development.  Begin with yourself and what can you do today.  We will return, Namaste.

(Channeled message on January 28, 2022)

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