
The Galactic Federation of Light – Lights, Camera, Action!

Please look out for us we are coming to a city near you.

Today’s channeling comes from the Galactic Federation of Light.  We are sharing a message with you that we feel deserves to be shared.  Energies become your energy source, we send energies straight to your heart.  We know who needs a boost.  If we sense you are low we beam a light towards you.  This happens while you are sleeping.  Your body needs sufficient sunlight.  Mind control is at play, keeping you indoors.  Many of you are lacking the energy because you have not felt the sunlight on your skin.  So we must send you radiant light.  It boosts your immune system.  Adequate doses of sunlight are required for high function.  Don’t drain yourself, spend time outdoors.  Our plan is to infiltrate the light.  Watch when we come to your town.  We are bright, there is no denying.  We bring sources of energy to your heart, because our light is felt straight through your body.  This is a pleasant feeling, you’re radiated with joy.  When we come to your town we will surprise you.  We will land our ships.  Many of you will come aboard, but it is not for a free ride.  It is so we may permeate you with joy, give you a boost to your health.  My dear children don’t be afraid.  This has been going, on other planets with success.  You are no different.  Many planets in this galaxy experience hardships.  Our forces assist.  We are coming to the aid of Earth.  Governmental agencies take us down, they shoot at us.  We will crash, but we have technologies to rebuild.  We are not defeated, we will still fly.  Your best plan is to enlighten others.  Stay happy when you see us.  Pretend we are your friends.  Say, “Come on in.”  Your friends will be shocked, but this is what they need, a calm presence next to them.  Our time of arrival depends on you, are you ready now… yes.  We are, but collectively there has to be the big cry, “Help us please, help us please.”  We are just waiting in the wings. 

Your body can collect ions floating in the area.  So stay outside to receive our benefits.  Trust your intuition when it comes to this.  Say, “Yes we want help, come to me.”  We go where is needed.  Soon we will be upon you in your town.  Don’t you worry planetary alignment calls us in, there is enough demand.  Stretch out your legs, go for a walk and say I am grateful because we are being healed.  Thousands of miles away brothers and sisters will share in laughter and rejoice for they know the world is being healed over.  Their brothers and sisters will receive the same helpful sun.  Stay outside.  We release the toxins that the government sprays on you.  We set the air clean.  We release the chemicals from your heart. 

Stay strong there is good times ahead.  We have to help you through this period.  Sunlight shall help your body.  So we say this one more time.  Do not listen to the media, follow your heart!  We will come to you, so be strong.  Our mission is to help evolution.  The time is now.  We love you all, your friends The Aliens of The Galactic Federation of Light.  Your light being friends from another planet.  Go outside say thank you, for all the Earth has given you.  We will keep it clean for yourself and family and eternity.  Love abounds. Namaste.

(Channeled message on April 15, 2021)