
Jesus – I was not born on Christmas

For I want to tell you of my existence.  I will tell you when I was born, not at the time you think.  For I was born at the middle of the year, when warmer temperatures were in place.  Never would we have survived in the cold.  To have a baby in the middle of the winter, would have to be indoors.  I came to be on this planet through my birth mother, but it is not as is told in the Bible.  Never did I have a crown placed upon my head during birth.  The three wise men came but did not bring gifts.  What I am here to tell you is the make believe that has been given to you.  Why would the three wise men bring gifts?  They came to check on me.  But it was not customary to gift give. 

What Western society has done is take this and create buying habits.  You think you have to buy for someone.  Oh, I must get them a gift.  No who says?  We have a world full of too much consumerism.  Are your houses full to the limit?  Because Western society came up with this idea that if people spend money they will be enslaved to the creditors.  People spend money when they don’t have it.  You put it on a credit card.  That makes my heart break.  Don’t give gifts, volunteer your services as a present.  Offer to babysit, wash the car, take someone for a walk.  Don’t buy mementos that collect dust.  Volunteering your services is the best thing you can give a loved one.  The time of the holidays is approaching, and I implore you to stop your spending.  You will want to save.  The need for presents creates obstacles.  Think of all the extra work you must go to.  That time is best spent on yourself.  Begin a hobby and volunteer your time.  Time spent aimlessly wondering what should I get this person does not amount to time well spent.  In my day we gave fruit, we gave nuts, and it created a conversation piece.  The plastic that is consumed at this time of year makes me sick.  Plastic, upon plastic, upon plastic stuffs your closets.  Items that are lightweight, don’t cost a lot don’t show value in my eyes.  The trinkets can be put away, the plastic needs to be left alone.  Now a days what is best to do is plan for minimalism.  I would like to see this movement reach the mainstream.  What do you need and that is that.  Your lives are just consumed.  Take what you need and that is that.  Everything else, let it go. 

Holidays are about being together sharing in the joy that family brings.  I honestly want to drive this point home.  The stocking stuffers are silly and are an extra expense.  Pay attention to how much money you really do spend.  What is it for?  What are you hoping to get by spending that much?  Is it just to make somebody like you?  You don’t want to disappoint?  My dear, they already are your family and love you.  Explain that the holidays are a time to be together, not to go into debt.  Explain that future prosperity can be achieved by living a simpler life, without the excess.  Why does Christmas have to be about gifts?  Because the marketers have designed it this way.  What a better way to make a global pandemic prosper than to send gifts to others you can’t see.  You’ll mail it but you’re not even there to watch the joy on their face, so it’s an empty feeling.  You think you are doing the right thing.  But plan a trip to see the loved one instead.  The joy on their face should be a trip you have planned together.  Spending time with each other creates the memories that last longer.  Will you remember the gift card, or the trip together?  I ask you all, stop the spending.  These companies are profiting in large ways that don’t benefit mankind. 

I have a final point to make.  Who is really benefiting from Christmas, you or them?  You, are you getting richer?  Them, are they collecting your money?  You are far better off with your own money.  Save it for the necessities.  Should the price of gas go up, will you have the money?  Was that trinket worth it?  In a pandemic the idea is to protect your assets.  Don’t jeopardize your funds for a Western culture shenanigan.  For in the coming days you will receive notice of shortages.  That is to cause panic buying.  ‘I better buy before they are all sold out.’  Feel in your gut if the advertising is to be believed.  ‘Hurry limited supplies… before they run out…’ It’s just a tactic.  Manufactures want you buying so they won’t run short.  You have just been deceived.  I have seen this game played in other cultures, always ends the same.  The consumer is gypped.  My message should be clear for you this holiday.  Spend money on experiences, togetherness.  Save for hard times.  Be prepared to explain to families the change in your heart.  You will bear less of a load on the path to freedom. 

For I am the one you know as Jesus, always watching out for you.  My love eternally. 

Krista speaking – I asked the follow questions to Jesus after his message:

Question: What about those who like to give gifts? What if they truly enjoy it?

Answer: Go in their heart, what is it they are trying to prove?  It is an answer they need to find within their heart. Is the motive pure? Is it out of necessity, love, conniving, or pure? Seek within the heart to decide.

Question: What about giving gifts to kids? 

Answer: It continues the ongoing cycle.  The child learns from the adults It continues the ongoing cycle.  Kids are learning what is right in this world.  It’s the example that you want to set.  An experience together is just as memorable as the toy that will break.  A year from now have they moved on?  Take to heart how much you have enter your home.  My blessings to you as you prepare for the future. 

(Channeled message on November 5, 2021)

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