
Jesus – Beyond the Veil

I love you.  My name is Jesus Christ. People know me from Jerusalem.  Today I am heavenly.  I am reaching out to you, to tell you of future events.  Already in the works are plans for my return.  Energetically the Earth is ready.  She sends out her cries.  My heart is with the Earth.  Earth sends me notes that she is ready.  True to my fashion I listen, and reply.  I say to you, Earth I will come for you, I will help you.  I will be coming back for you.  The time is coming.  Open your hearts, you have remained true.  I can see it.  I feel your heartbeats.  I come for those who are ready.  I come for those who want to worship me, those who feel it in their hearts to know me, you just have to be a good soul.  Those who do not worship me, who play by their own rules, disregarding life, shall not ascend.  Eternal Heaven should not be feared.  Precious is the time my children.  I come for you soon.  I come for the future, to be a part of your future.  My return to Earth.  I love you all.  My path is ahead.  Please be the light.  It is for you to shine, so I may see you, but I know you all in my heart. Futures will be had, with loving embrace to the sky.  Watch for my return.  Look for me, you will find me around.  I will come to you, and take you with me.  My love to you all.  Earth sends its best, we work together.  All the planets aligning for this grand moment.  Be not afraid, this is all divinely planned.  You wanted to be a part of this.  You were chosen.  I supported the decision.  My love to you all.  Again, I will speak through this one in future times.

(Channeled message on October 8, 2020)