This website was created to share with you the intuitive messages I am channeling from beyond our veil. Those speaking ask that I give their exact words. May the messages bring you clarity on your path of ascension. Always use your own discernment.
Much love to you all! ~ Krista
MY STORY – It began the day Prince died, on April 21, 2016. This was the start of my spiritual awakening journey. A few days after he passed, I found myself crying, and I had no idea why. Was I crying over Prince??? There had been other famous musicians that had passed away, but I didn’t react the way I was reacting over Prince. I was like… Yes, I am crying over Prince, where is this coming from??? At the same time, I was crying, words were coming out of my mouth, that I had no idea what I was saying. It was a lot to do with the light and the dark and I had noooo clue what I was talking about. This led me to study Prince more. There was so much he was saying, especially in his lyrics. So from there I had to learn more about these spiritual topics. I would be awake all night watching a zillion YouTube videos, trying to learn everything I could. I couldn’t eat anymore, all my preferences in food changed, and the physical ascension symptoms began. I spent a couple years studying and taking courses. I was beginning to get small channeled messages from my angels and guides as things progressed.
Then shockingly, unexpectedly, in early June 2018 my younger sister Kara passed away from a Melanoma illness. We had only learned of the diagnosis 3 weeks earlier. It was so shocking and sad as she was 40 years old. After studying so much the previous 2 years I knew she was going to be fine and she was now exploring her life in Heaven, so I let it be.

Three months later I heard her speaking to me, she said we were ready to talk. And I could clearly get communication from her. I thought if I can hear her so well, then I must be able to hear everyone else so well, such as the Angels, Jesus, Archangels. And at that point I could hear the others well too.
Soon it was 2019 and my desire to channel publicly was strong but my daily obligations kept me busy, so I kept the channeling to myself. Then seeing the world events unfold in 2020 I could no longer keep the messages to myself anymore. I created this website to put the channeled messages I kept receiving.
My hope and desire as you read this website is: I want you to awaken. To realize the world you live in. To only follow your passions. To get out of fear. To live a beautiful life.
Everybody has the ability to channel and receive messages in one form or another. I would describe the channeling I do as a mix of all the “Clairs”, but mostly I do hear the angels/guides/loved ones talking to me directly in my head. Or they will channel their words directly through my voice, where I don’t know what they are saying until it’s spoken.
I used to feel the angels at the foot of my bed when I was a kid. As a kid I used to feel people sitting down next to me, but of course I thought… oh kids have imaginary friends. I always wanted to, and do now, carry crystals in my pockets. I know I have always had an interest in these spiritual topics. You also learn and realize all the things they never teach you growing up that they should, like grounding, meditation, and on and on.
It is fun to read others’ stories where they come to discover they can channel too. What I enjoy is that there is getting more and more of us all around the world doing this. Each in their own way and platforms, but we are all giving the overall same message. I am located in the United States, in the Pacific Northwest (Washington State).
I look forward to providing more messages to you and going on this exciting journey with you! ~ Krista

Courses I have taken:
- Usui Reiki Level 1 – Twice Certified
- ThetaHealing®Basic DNA Certification Course
- Channeling 101/102 Courses
- Channel of the Light Mystery School – 6 month immersive experience
- Sound Healing Sessions
- Trans-Scalar Healing