
The Arcturians – Choose Not To Watch TV

The message of the moment is that you need to be scared, because some war is happening in a faraway land.  The media is going to push that on you until you take it to heart.  This is so planned.  What crisis can put fear into the people.  Let’s make a plan around it and push it out there.  It is completely planned.  Out of the blue this just comes up, question it!  How come you haven’t heard about it before?  Now it’s everywhere?  It is just propaganda. 

Fear is pushed out to you every day.  How do you live your life without something crashing around you.  It is meant to keep you home, and fearful, and not traveling, and stockpiling, and in panic mode.  When the body is in fear it causes diseases.  Most diseases can be traced back to an emotion.  Your body is being programed to be sick.  You need to see it for what it is; planned chaos to control your mind and your habits, ultimately leading to sickness.  Get out of the house, go for a walk and say, “I see through their bullshit.  No one is going to tell me I need to be fearful.  I don’t have to stockpile.  I am going to enjoy this beautiful day and think about my community and my friends, and things that are important to me.  I don’t need to worry about a fake war on the other side of the globe.”  It is complete programing; you are falling for it.  You are doing what they want.  Stop it!  Open your eyes!  Wake up!  It’s a game and you got sucked in.  Kill your TV, it destroys your happiness. 

The media companies pay big money to advertisers to then sell you products that promote fear.  Even the commercials advertise unpleasant things.  Do you need to see that advertisement for pharmaceuticals? No, it just makes you think about a sickness.  Commercials are as bad as the mainstream media.  We wish you would stop watching.  You need to know that there is so much more happiness in the world.  Look around to your friends and celebrate with them.  Don’t be afraid to throw a party.  Play and have fun!  Stop the constant watching of fear.  It is not helping one single person when you watch that news broadcast.  That time could be better spent.  There is nothing you need to see that the news has to offer.  Turn to your community for your local news.  It is so orchestrated that even kids can point out discrepancies and falsehoods.  As adults, take the wisdom of your years and know better.  Life has so much more to offer than what TV shows you. 

We are the Arcturians, we watch you stare at the screen and cannot allow it to continue.  We are reaching out to anyone who is ready to break the cycle and begin a happier life.  Shut off your TV and live life! 

(Channeled message on May 31, 2024)

2 thoughts on “The Arcturians – Choose Not To Watch TV

  1. thank you for this, i needed to hear it, i love the advice to celebrate and have fun! 🤩 i was also thinking the same thing, that i should do that more and not be afraid to do it either!!

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