
Archangel Michael – Your Thoughts Control Everything

The energies you are in right now are dense, you live in a thick haze.  The only way to clear them up is by your own heart.  You need to look past things.  You’re in the clouds; you are in the thick of it.  Look past that.  What do you see on the horizon?  Look through the fog and what can you see ahead of you.  Do you see beautiful days, or do you see turbulence?  What do you see in your vision for yourself?  I have to give you the message that the days ahead are what you make them.  There is nothing pre-set.  You control the outcome.  You decide am I going to have happy days or am I going to live in a world that hates me.  No one decides your fate but you, you and your thoughts. 

Don’t worry what your neighbors are doing, only worry about yourself.  You set your sights on what is best for you.  Pay no attention to the media or the town crier.  If you want to think positively, you are allowed.  You will find that the days go so much easier for you when you can look head to positive outcomes.  Don’t visualize dread, visualize only what you want.  Civilizations have crumbled because the only thought allowed was destruction.  The media will plant images and thoughts in your mind that take you down a wrong path.  It takes you down the path of war and fighting, depression, and sacrifice.  But if you look past that and say, I want better and I am going to turn my frequency to something more positive; good fortune comes your way. 

You control everything by your mind.  Keep it clear, listen to your own thoughts, and pray for answers.  God gives them to you.  But you cannot be caught up in others fear.  The outcome of the future is going to be different for each person.  So don’t lump yourself into the story being told online.  You can write your own story.  There is nothing that says tomorrow will be like today.  Tomorrow can be filled with happiness or despair.  It is controlled by your mind.  If you are feeling heartbroken examine why; because you think you are supposed to feel that way; that is what you are seeing others do. But how do you really feel?  Get out into the quiet and check in with yourself.  Am I OK, am I healthy, is anybody attacking me.  So where is my fear coming from?  You are caught up in the mainstream media.  They have planted it in your head.  We see it playing out in homes across the globe.  Let me turn into the news and they will tell me how to think.  You don’t mean to but ultimately you look to what the masses are doing, and you want to join in.  So, your thoughts and emotions join with the thousands.  What if you didn’t have another opinion maker giving you, their thoughts.  What if you just thought on your own?  Why can’t you think on your own?  You can and you need to start thinking on your own; I am safe, I am healthy, no one is after me.  I can live my life how I choose, and no one is out to get me.  The concept is simple.  Don’t let others persuade you.  Stand up for yourself.  Keep your head clear and open your eyes and observe for yourself.  Don’t let the TV tell you how things are.  You are a smart individual you can look for yourself. 

I am Archangel Michael, and I give you these words because you need them, and I want to pound them into you.  You control your future; you have the power to change the outcomes, but you must think for yourselves.  You can control what is on the horizon.  Take a positive approach in every situation for positive outcomes.  2025 is not a year to listen to others.  It is the year of you.  Peace be with you as you clear your head and realize the power you have.  You have the power to turn light to dark and dark to light.  You are the key to how 2025 will evolve.  I am counting on you all to turn to a positive outcome for the new year.  The mass consciousness needs to be one force for change to occur, and right now you are scattered.  Move ahead in love and gratitude for the role you are playing in your future.  Positivity is the key. 

I know who have dark thoughts and who have light.  I will work with you if you call on me.  Ask me into your home and I will work with your energy to bring awareness to your home.  You as an individual can create a ripple effect that spreads through your neighborhood.  Join the others who have changed their mindset to reflect positive outcomes in the new year.  You are forever the strong and the determined beings that answered the call to come at this time.  Become the fierce strong individuals I know you can be.  I give you my strength to get you through this, when times are tough.  I give you my strength to understand the thought process of the weak.  I give you my armor to withstand the negativity in the air.  I give you my armor to understand your neighbors.  It is a quiet war, not fought with weapons, but with thoughts.  Your thoughts are yours and yours only.  The war is really over the mind.  Who controls the mind. 

Today and tomorrow stop whenever you have a negative thought, sit with it, say, “Who’s thought is this?”  Is it mine, is it the Universe’s, is it what I am told to think, and dive deep into why you think the way you do.  Examine who persuades you.  Make sure your thoughts are your own.  Your assignment is to turn every negative thought around to be your own thought, and to have it pure and unbiased.  Decide for yourself do I want to keep this or leave it.  Leave behind what doesn’t serve you. 

The time for change is past time.  These are topics that should have been discussed many years ago. Teach your children to have their own thoughts, they do not need to conform to adults.  The next generation needs to be educated on mind control and the ways in which they are persuaded.  Who are their role models, who are they watching online.  What influencers are they attracted to.  Mind control at its finest!  What I want to stress is that we are in a battle for control, the outcome is up to you.  It is up to our children.  How we control our thoughts will be the outcome. 

I am Archangel Michael, and I wish you contemplation on these words.  Your mind must be kept clear and ready to receive guidance from your own higher self, and that of the Universe.  Do not go along with the masses, unless it is a positive choice.  Get clear on these words.  I stress to you, watch your thoughts!  All my love, goodnight. 

(Channeled message on November 27, 2024)

2 thoughts on “Archangel Michael – Your Thoughts Control Everything

  1. Just have Archangel Michael take care of all the bad guys..and change them to 5D. He has the ability.

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