To the Universe we wish for it to rise. There is a time and a place for all of you to reach the level of understanding that is necessary for evolution. Too many of you think you will receive a flash of light in the night’s sky. This may happen for some. Others will go a different path. Not everyone is destined to receive the outcome. Some will travel a different path, your path is always for the light. There is more I want you to know. Earthbound spirits we work with you. We tell you all is well. Trust that God is a magical, wonderful, all-encompassing, divine, truthful entity. My path shall be reached at the precise moment eternity says go. When my path is reached you will come away into full euphoria. The passing of a soul means a level was achieved. The soul reached the lessons designed for future expansion. There is eternity which all souls shall surrender. You wanted to experience what eternity on an earthly realm energetically could be. So we sent you to Earth.
On this earthly plane my work keeps the energetic alignment positive for atmospheric ingredients. But there are chemicals permeating your existence. Our rays are not hitting until we say there is too many chemicals. There is a war between good and the worst good, and those that destroy. Which side is my energy aligned upon… but that of the truly good. So we are energetically aligning the rays that shine on your plant. We keep the sun true. We protect the skies, stay outdoors. Media will scare you that there is pollutants. You will learn that poisons have permeated skies. There is no greater disappointment than living without sunshine. Eons have passed and we thank Mother Earth. She has withheld the highest possible vibration she could. When we eradicate the pollutants Mother Earth will jump. The planet will become to a degree euphoric. The participants that have chosen to experience euphoria plan your futures, only with energy felt from above. This is our path that we want, why should Earth be experiencing hardships. Pure love is where the path is aligned. Should there happen a tsunami, it is Mother Earth’s choice. She can do what she needs to do. We must let her. We don’t want you to think that the world is spinning in the opposite direction. We want you to know Mother Earth is doing her best. It’s so our planetary survival is maintained. We love you and want only eternity for highly systematic individuals. This is those that allow us to enter their hearts. We are systematic in our plan for bringing you justice, truth and gratitude for all who are entitled, because they have practiced our holistic way. So are you ready?
I tell you we the energetic angels want you standing in pleasant spaces. Stay away from negativity. There is too much gossiping, bad drugs, and vile people that we wish you to rid of. The greatest possible plan is underway to expose the true debauchery in the world. So much so that we need 700 angels per criminal. It takes 700 of us to keep harm out of the airwaves. So I tell you just don’t partake in online bullying, spreading lies, and collaborating with hateful parties. I make it aggressive when I look at the nonsense spewed through social platforms. I send my team of angels to stop perpetrators that are collaborating with the dark. You have a choice trust your gut, or dumb yourself down by believing what the agenda is saying. Especially those platforms that block and rewrite posts. Ever had anything blocked? They are not trustworthy.
You have a choice, take yourself outside and feel free, which is preferred, over let me see what crap I can watch on TV. We cry when you watch TV. Why would you live someone else’s life? Why do you find pleasure in watching other people do things? TV gives you a false idea of what the world should be like. Make your own life, don’t let TV program you. They tell you what is in style, you decorate your houses. Find it in yourself to create your own sense of style. Think long hair is boring, then why do you have it? You see it on TV. We encourage you to live to your desires. If you think your house should be yellow, don’t paint it white. You’re painting it white because people told you white is what is trendy. You want to conform to your neighborhood. If that is the case you are not living in the right location. Move to where you feel free. There is no time where other people’s opinions are yours.
Today marks my journey to enlighten the readers of all that there is. I am spilling it out there. To disclose items that are unhealthy. We will rise to an enlightened state through love, working together, and life lessons. Some of the lessons are easier than others. Say today I will change one thing. Find a healthy habit. You know what is healthy and what is not. Make one small change. Every day if you make one small change you will live a happier life. So I tell you now I will check in on you. Tweak here and there what needs to be adjusted, tell you yes that, no that. Why, because you are all beautiful souls I cherish. The angels and I watch out for you. Today put the junk food down. Eat healthy. Can I slap your hand… Energetically I hope you get the nudge. Go out in the sunlight, say it’s better for me than staying indoors, why don’t I get outside more. Find a way. There is nothing that is going to harm you. Shut down tablets, say I am taking a break. Watch the sunset, marvel at the trees, soak it all up. All of nature is for enjoyment.
This is lesson # 1, stay healthy. Nature is healthy. Follow the path of nature. There is no more I need to say to you right now. Be prepared for lesson # 2 it’s on enrichment. Follow Krista for future posts like this. I will make my appearance again. Goodnight.