
Archangel Michael – For Now is the Time

Archangel Michael gives the planet a warm greeting.  Today’s message is from myself.  I wish to speak of the truths.  I share truths through my vibrational signature.  I ask each of you why you would want to be sad and lonely?  There is a vibration to that.  My signature says fierce warrior, protector of all.  What is your signature? 

I ask to tell you a story.  Many years ago I was helping an individual, she cried out, “Please save me.”  But her vibration remained unfaithful.  My vibration was to save her.  Her vibration was purely skeptical.  Did she believe in me?  She asked for help, yet she didn’t think I would come.  Her signature was for me to examine.  There was a level of doubt, what am I supposed to do?  I helped her.  She chalked it up to a lucky break.  She said I don’t believe that there is extra beings that watch over us.  She never believed.  Later in life I helped her again.  She said, “I’m just a real lucky girl.”  All the while she never believed.  My heart broke.  For I was always by her side. 

My children fear not, we my brothers and sisters of the angelic realm are your allies.  We want to help you, please believe.  My passion comes when I help people.  If times get tough we will be there, protecting you and loving you.  I do not want for you to fear what is unwitnessed.  Do not fear us, we truly help.  If you are suffering cry out for us.  Please ask us for your pain to be lifted.  My greatest pleasure is to assist.  The world has terrible things that occur, so we must protect you.  It is our divine nature to see you through the darkness, to guide you to eternal peace and happiness.  My only request is that my brothers and sisters stand even closer to you.  We’re there in split seconds, in a flash we assist.  For us we feel no pain.  Your pain is always there for energetic balance.  This means we take it and do what is needed, to restore you to live freely.  We take your pain and wash it away.  Our greatest joy is watching humans succeed.  There will be a time when we will be there before you know it.  So fast is our presence.  So fast you will feel us before you know what happens.  Eternity is forever aligned with your highest good. 

Please know we will take those who prepare.  Prepare for us.  Ask us into your home, say please enter my life.  It is our time to assist.  Each and every one of you feels it.  Times are changing, we know it. So be prepared. Preparation is finding the right signature.  Make your signature one you are proud of.  You are proud of what you believe in.  You are proud to tell about the angels.  You are proud to tell that we will help you.  Should others think that you are off-kilter, stand tall, hold firm.  Our presence will keep you strong.  We are not allowing the world to fall, we will be strong.  The world will rise above any obstacles that are placed on the Earth. We will move you energetically up. So I say trust in us, we are your friends. My children God is with us.  Heaven and Earth will be all for the glory.  Goodnight my children.  My blessings to each of you.

(Channeled message on January 14, 2021)