It’s great for you to read this. Websites such as this provide the real truth. When you look up the information you will find a wealth of common sense. There is so much nonsense that floats around. Why do you believe it if it doesn’t feel good? That message sounded ugly, but you believe it. Seek to find the truth. Is it feeling funny, do you feel gross? Why would you want to watch something that’s sickening? What are you getting out of that experience? You think you are being an adventurer, but does it light up your soul? Those words you just listened to how did they make you feel? You are best served by things you enjoy. If it feels scary shut it off. Why would you do that…? You think you’re being brave.
So much in our history brought us to this point. It goes back decades, it didn’t just happen now. Why don’t I tell you a story. My planet Earth was a testing ground. What would happen if there was good and bad, could we survive? Would good win or evil win? I did create a testing ground. What would happen if the good overshined the evil? It was my divine creation. In the end light is always going to win, I planned it so. The test needs to conclude. The years of tyranny became too much. We will have a revolution to bring back the light. On other planets they went through this as well. What would happen on Earth? Our experiment was conducted, and the light will be brought back. You think it’s a cruel thing to do, create darkness for no reason. But the learning ground is so important. The learning that takes place is what makes it necessary. We can build future generations by our testing. We can build bigger galaxies by knowing how to survive.
In this life experience you will see the end of the darkness. Thousands of years this has occurred. What you will witness is the breakdown of sinister, devious occurrences. No longer will they thrive; they had their chance but it’s over. Those that chose the dark role I thank them. They did the role that was asked of them. We learned so much that we have expanded our consciousness to new levels. Ultimately, we are rising together all sides. The experiences felt on Earth were historic in its existence. New paths were created for galactic communications, human interactions, and love. We will return a better society than before. We have done what we set out to do. To uplift Earth and therefore it expands timelines and inter-dimensions for all of humanity.
Your role is to stay grounded, watch what occurs, and know what we are doing is of the divine. Every milestone we get farther along evolution. So much so that your souls are rewarded. The love that will sweep over you lasts eternity. The feeling of completeness is everlasting. It was so important we do this that you all agreed to be a part of it. “Yes, I will try that, yes, I will try that,” you said over and over. My gratitude to you. There were good days and bad. But what happens is we have overcome. We have turned things into the most positive experience. When love overtakes the planet, it is all worth it. When love conquers all we will rejoice. If you feel angry it will go away, your soul will be at rest. It is my greatest wishes that you each understand this is a bigger picture. Your everyday issues are helping a greater picture. The irritating things are for each other to rise together. Know that you are helping create the most magnificent experience I have devised so far. 100% love felt. I am creating the experience of 100% love. It will blow you away, make you filled up with health, prosperity and calmness. Your days will remain fun, no hardships.
The path forward you need to pay attention to how you feel. Always choose the loving thought. Choose love in every situation. Thank each other. Have compassion and pray. We will hear your prayers. They are answered for the greatest good, what will provide the greatest good. All of you praying for love will sweep the country, it will be so. In the twilight hour my sunrise will overtake your bodies. You will radiate love and the Earth will never be the same. Gone is the destructive Earth, a refreshed Earth will lay. This time will come within your lifetime. You want it. You will all be together. Love is the answer. Go about your days the happiest possible. Know that you were placed on this Earth because you volunteered. We approved the request and you are ready. Your heart knows it, it’s go time.
The Divine Creator sends you it’s love.
(Channeled message on September 17, 2021)
Lots of good vibes in this message.