Greetings fellow participants. Ashtar from The Galactic Federation of Light will give this message.
I come to you as Ashtar of The Galactic Federation of Light. The Federation stands above you with our ships ready. We will enter your skies, be watching for us. The command for us is to take the light we have and permeate your planet. The planet needs massive amounts of light. We will use our ships to blast our rays. You will see us in the night above your cities. It is for the greatest good that we enter your Earth. I need you to welcome us. Say to your friends they are here for help. Say to your friends, they are friendly. We will treat you with respect. Although our energies are high, the Earth will be raised just a quarter of a fraction. Majority of the raising needs to come from within. Within the plant. Mother Earth needs the participants of this great Earth to awaken.
Generals in my spacecrafts will shine their light on areas that need help. If you find that we come to your city, know that there is darkness. We have to call out the spots that need the most help. Should we be in your skies it is for a reason. Not all cities need us. True to our nature we will raise the vibrations to a level that you can still exist and not be harmed. Let us do our work, and just be grateful. We are your friends, we wish to aid, we see the need. Up in the skies there will be airplanes that will try to shoot at us. This is not war, just the curiosity. Should one of our planes fall, don’t be alarmed. Government would like to study our spacecrafts, for they have a curiosity. We will not surrender for there is no war. You will want to use your own discernment when watching news, for they will place fear in you. Please know in your heart, our mission is pure. Should you want our help please send out cries, for we will hear them, and we can direct our light. If you feel your city is dark, send us prayers. We go where we need to rid the darkness. We will shine our lights as bright as possible. The world will take notice.
Your role we would ask of you, is to allow the light to fill your hearts. If we shine on you, let us, we have reasons. Much upgrades will happen during this phase, this next phase of the revolution. Please know that we only wish the best for the future of the Earth and those who are true in their hearts. My Galactic Federation stands by your side. We will fight the darkness. The outcome is successful, for it can only be light in the end. You will receive our promise no harm is in our mission, only pure lightworking to be done on Earth. It is my greatest wish that the future of Earth, may she rise to her rightful place.
(Channeled message on December 8, 2020)