
Krista’s Inner Soul – My Soul Thanks Your Soul

My everlasting gratitude for all of you.  Every soul on this planet knew what they were getting into.  They knew that there would be hard times, happy times, and the unknown.  Your soul had the courage to take on another life during this timeframe, what we are calling The New Dawn.  Why is this time different than other times?  Because during this lifetime souls have a choice to awaken or remain in the status quo.  Not usually is there such a big decision during a lifetime.  You’re given small decisions like, do I marry this man or that woman, can I trust somebody, should I have the surgery, is that job right for me?  They seem like major life choices, but they pale in comparison to the choice you will make during your time now. 

For inside you there is something your heart must know; I am headed home, or I need to further my experiences.  Heading home is the ultimate, it’s your desire.  You become an enlightened soul.  To stay on this planet without awakening will give you no opportunities for your soul to backtrack.  To say, “But wait, I change my mind, going home is my ultimate.”  Your soul continues to work and work to correct its ways until it can reach the ultimate.  It is a poor choice to want to remain.  That leads to much anguish that can be avoided.  Join those who have awakened.  Have eyes to see the world you live in.  On this planet you have corrupt countries dominating the existence of others.  Tyranny is extreme.  The lies and deceit run rampant on your TV’s.  The world is not your friend right now.  Your own internal guidance is your friend.  Know that you will be fine.  You will find the things you need.  Live a clean lifestyle and you will avoid illness.  It’s all so simple.  Do your thing and don’t let outsiders confuse you.  You think you got to stock up, there will be a shortage.  But if you believe that a shortage is coming you will be looking for it.  You will find it in places.  If that was not in your mind you would be guided to places that have your supplies.  But you can’t listen to your own internal guidance when people are telling you what will happen. 

I care about each soul, that you find yourself.  Who am I, and what do I enjoy doing?  I care that you listen only to your own self.  I care that you spend time in nature to connect with who you are.  I care that you listen to your body when it tells you something.  If your body needs rest, then you should rest.  If your body says, I am happy, plan a party.  To all the souls out there who took on this challenge, thank you.  We need to go through this evolution, and it could not happen alone.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart that you chose to do this now. 

If you want to know which way you are leaning, give yourself this mini test: 

I am happiest when __________________.

Are you giving yourself time to do __________________? 

My passions are important to me.  I am able to pursue what I am interested in. 

Did you pass or fail? 

You are all here to share in this experience.  Be gentle with each other, love often, criticize less.  We are on the path to achieve our dreams.  I pray for you all as you go through your life experiences in honoring what you believe in. Your dedication to this process is happening simultaneously with your desire for the ultimate.  My everlasting love to you, my inner soul.

(Channeled message on May 14, 2022)

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